星期五, 12月 01, 2006

成功加入 BLOG-YOU.COM !!!

為了增加VLINKUP.COM的滲透率於是我地申請左加入 HKBLOGGERS.COM, 而今日佢地終於批准左啦! 希望多啲人認識我地個BLOG啦^^ WELCOME!!!

2 則留言:

cheryl 說...

Congrats to you guys in fact this is how I got here =)

I'm having some trouble broadcasting mine one blog-you these days since I've changes my blog domain *sigh*... it seems that they won't allow me to put it back with a new feed so depressed

Kenneth 說...

O! It is not a good news that you face such a problem. But may be you can try again to register blog-you, since we also try several times, then it let we join. Good luck^^!