星期三, 6月 06, 2007

Always On Top

唔知大家有冇試過在 "視窗" (windows xp)環境下開了多個程式後,佢地會你踏佢,佢踏你,互相重疊, 有時你可能好想有一兩個 "視窗" 永遠停在上層而唔會比其他程式遮住, 那麼我介紹大家用一個freeware免費軟件 "AlwaysOnTopMaker",就幫定手啦!

"AlwaysOnTopMaker"只係一個簡單到連介面都沒有的軟件. 執行的時候,只需double click "AlwaysOnTopMaker.exe"就可以. 想息了佢只雖在任何情況下同時按下 "ctrl-alt-q" 就得, 完全不需要install/uninstall.

啟動了 "AlwaysOnTopMaker" 之後, 你只需要click一下你想永遠停在上層的"視窗",然後同時按下 "ctrl-alt-t",那麼這個"視窗"就唔會比其他程式遮住,永遠停在上層. 當你想還原的時候,對著這個"視窗", 再次同時按下 "ctrl-alt-t"就會還原. ^^

星期二, 6月 05, 2007


more video about "民主歌聲獻中華"


Did you see yesterday I-cable news......In China, a woman in bank was robbed. The robber use a knife to stab on her for several times and stole her purse. At that time, there is full of people at the surrounding, but no one applied the first-aid to the woman.....through the CCTV, we only could see the woman was bleeding until no more blood and dead..........how come the china people can be so cruel? where is 仁(LOVE)?

The Horrible thing was the CCTV which recorded the woman lay down.....bleeding.....no one came around ..... and her hand just rose......shook.............stopped.........

星期一, 6月 04, 2007

iPhone 發售時間確認:6 月 29 日

For detail: please visit http://www.apple.com/iphone/ads/
