星期二, 11月 28, 2006


這一段時間裡vlinkup.com為了做好'地圖補完計劃'和'真正零團費 香港自由行'兩個topic,所以經常要整理一些很久以前照片。個人來講我並不喜歡替照片做後期,改改顏色,加點圖畫,改改大小,可是這總會有點假假的感覺.不過為了不會因為我拍照的技術差,而令大家錯過每一個值得遊玩的好地方,最後我還是做了一些後期。這樣的情形相信大家可能也有過吧,可是大家會用甚麼工具去做呢! Photoshop?太貴了吧,小畫家?又陽春了一點點吧.那麼試一試這個由微軟和華聖頓大學合作開發的Freeware 'Paint .net'吧! 聴説這個微軟還計畫在未來的Windows中用它來取代現有的小畫家程式呢!

大家先要在這裡下載並安裝由microsoft 提供的 dotnetfx.exe.

然後再到這裡Get Paint.NET!下載並安裝 v2.72 的'Paint .net', 留心file size是3.59 MB的那一個喔!

5 則留言:

cheryl 說...

This looks pretty nice just like applying the diffuse and glow filter... but I really doubt if pictures can look good nowadays when everyone's using digital cameras. Since I work at a studio I can tell the difference between pictures taken by film and digital ones. It looks as if digital pictures just lack a blending of texture and dimension... I dunno. But thanks for introducing the software =)

Kenneth 說...

Nice to see u there ^^, you are the first one who leave the comment that i don't know in reality. Welcome!!! But is english your mother tongue? ...then may be i need to writen in english :p

I definitly agree your point about texture and dimension, since i am a amateur photographer too :). But If you lucky to have a hold on Canon 5D, then it is the one which can bring you the texture and dimension depth. However, i am using another DC now.

Infact there exist some other interesting tools that can make your photo on Blog become amazing, and i will introduce later. Hope can see your comment again soon. CU!

cheryl 說...

yeah we actually use 5D at the studio but still... outdoor shots would be fine but studio shots are still "artificial" like =) anyway...

BTW, I'm proficient in Chinese I'm just lazy to type it.

Nice meeting you and Vi!

Kenneth 說...

Nice to see you too ^^.

in fact, i just to to buy 5D, but after consider you words, may be need to reconsider. These days i have heard that Pentax K10D has outstanding color control, may be it can reform the texture and dimension. :P

cheryl 說...

we also have a pentax propact (not sure if i spelled right) in house and it actually has a better presentation on 2-D images. but still i dunno why the photographers insist using 5D perhaps the lens are better?

anyway, i dunno much about cameras i only know how to manipulate pictures =)