潮流玩意! 喪激超好玩搖控直昇機!!!
星期六同VIVIAN出去行街街,本來諗住睇完戲之後,'我望下佢,佢望下我'SWEET SWEET咁過番日,點知比'軒爸'一注义中套'死亡魔法'落左畫,於是唯有揀左套由奇雲高士拿做嘅《驚濤搶救》啦.....冇咩祈望咁入場.....點知我同VIVIAN都喊濕左三四張紙巾,畫面震撼之餘,奇雲高士拿交足貨,劇情雖然估到但唔勉強,有機會再同大家講下。
其實一日之內有一次驚喜已經好難得,點知睇完套有直昇機嘅戲,入左銅鑼灣皇室堡商場行左一陣竟然差點比架直昇機擊中....唔係發夢..就係以下介紹的直昇機'Picoo Z'.由我遇到佢的一剎那,我眼都金晒,我已經知道佢係我等左好耐嘅野,係由小學開始甘耐,佢代表一個夢,一個好多小朋友的飛天夢。係店員熟練的操縱之下,低飛,轉彎,都表現出佢嘅輕型同靈活,當然仲有'襟'跌啦。本來我個心都重係十五十六....但真係唔買唔舒服,因為佢只售247元用EPS仲有折...加上佢發泡膠機身'襟'跌,價錢又唔貴,所以精明嘅Vivian都冇阻止我,於是我立即數'籠'帶佢番屋企啦...遲啲練熟左再表現比大家睇啦! ^^宜家睇住我由某個無關係的海外網站借來的示範DEMO先啦!
(驚告:CLICK Start以下廣告可能導致銀包急性出血。)
Some information about the X-Rotor Picoo Z Micro Helicopter:
Product Dimensions
• Length 170mm (6.5")
• Main Rotor diameter 130mm (5.25")
• Rear Rotor diameter 30mm (1.25")
Product Weight
• Only 10g!
Rechargeable Flight Battery
• High capacity integral Lithium Polymer battery
• Integral Transmitter/Charger supplied with LED indicator/Auto shut off
• 20-30 minutes for full charge
Flight Duration
• Up to 10 minutes between charges
• Supplied completely assembled, ready-to-fly and charged
• 2 Channel Proportional Infra Red Control System
• Infra Red Control System
• Bands A, B, & C allow up to 3 Silverlit models to fly together Range
• Up to 10m (30ft)
Batteries Required
• 6 x 1.5v AA Alkaline Batteries for Transmitter/Charger
• Instruction manual providing helpful tips for the new helicopter pilot Ages
• All ages 8 and above <-- SORRY 軒軒你冇份LU
1 則留言:
I guess it got 4 ways control right? (or 6).
I am thinking if it is possible to add other RC (or Infrared) module (and motor + batter as well) into the same helicopter. If it is still light enough to fly, then the helicopter will be controlled by two remote by two different person....