Hong Kong Flower Show (香港花卉展覽) 2007 之 序
參觀香港花卉展覽2007,對我和vivian這麼一對拖友來說,一個喜歡拍照,一個喜歡花,的而且確是個好好的戶外活動,當然我一定拍了很多正正照片啦,但為什麼拍了又吾登上blog呢,話晒都3月17日的事了,原因係網上偷竊相片風氣盛行,所以令到我對登相一事非常猶豫.....我當然知道有 watermark (即係係相上加啲字或"logo",就好似上圖黑色長方形"www.picture-shark.com"的字樣一樣),但大部份都是收費軟件,正想放棄分享之時,好在最後比我找到"picture-shark"喱個freeware.
* With its wizard like interface it is super easy to use
* Create real watermarks
* Choose transparent color, opacity, position and much more
* Use the "feather"-feature to make the edges between the stamp and the picture smarter as with any other tool, just by one mouse-click
* Very fast (processing hundreds of pictures each minute)
* Support for different output formats and quality settings
* WYSIWYG preview-mode for all settings
* Support for preserving jpeg-headers
* copy&paste between other applications and picture-shark