Vivian 的貓貓 之 四 可愛大頭B !!!
每次行過 7-11, Vivian 都會話 : 啲大頭貓貓相好可愛啊!........ 跟著佢就會好失落咁同Kenneth講佢試左好多次但影極都影唔到大頭貓貓的效果...........為左實現Vivian如此小小但重要的心願, Kenneth 決定買下那上千元的魚眼鏡, 並嘗試拍出 '可愛大頭B' ........^^'
Don't you have a dream!? Most of the time, dream is difficult to be realized, but if you have the chance to make it true, then... what will be your Choice?
Everytime bypass the 7-11 convenience store, Vivian will be attracted by the lovely photo of the "Big Head Cat" which like "The Dogs". I know she admire for its cute, and she really want to take the one similar on her lovely 'BB' for a long time since its birth. However she don't know photographing.
I think i am able to let it ture, and i have spent around a 1000 dollars for a Fisheye wide angle lens, and have a try! ........ even the output is not good enough, but let the dream be the fact is really a touch moment in our live.
By Kenneth ^^
P.S. First try blogging in English....^^