星期四, 2月 01, 2007

Reply for someone's opinion about Big Brand just like Canon & Microsoft

In fact as a IT industry worker, i never regard that Microsoft (MS) 's business appearance is not good, i really know that work out a Program / software really worth the price that all you pay, (as many people not think in this way so the salary of IT worker is really can't compare with other professionals) and indeed writing a system without bugs is impossible..... but the fact is that many hacker not like MS monopoly working style so make virus or to attack, so the point is not about the thing is good or not, is about it get fans or against guy.....

....... just what i observe in the reply of below post, many people still think that Canon sell things in expensive way can make the buyer feel it is a luxury and a sign of your succssful status in this society ....... that is the prove of Canon really catch the mind of some people just like what ipod and Mac do ....

....in my mind, i think now is web 2.0 era, all you know is the real thing behind a company can offer, and we can easily know who said they selling the best for you but hiding the best of the best behind..... just like TIMES said this is the era of 'YOU' and we can let the company know they should selling the things in reasonable way...... we are not paying to let them rich, we just paying for what they deserved .....

Finally sorry for this annoying post and demaged your happy shooting....just let it go and enjoy what we can afford....... and thousand thanks for 'Cankon' alert me the most important things just the tragedy of family violence and irrational of high housing pricing is due to the major authority of hong Kong is '願打願捱' (means customized to irrational and no said)
