iPhone 強勢登陸, 不過我有一個希望........
希望 iPhone可以貴啲,唔好cheap都啲學生哥又帶,阿叔又帶,串晒耳啲旺角死靚仔又帶,話自己好潮但又腹無墨水的年輕人又帶,不竟買得iPhone就係想同呢啲人有着一些分別吧!
兩個人 一個BLOG....與堅尼夫慧雲妮 走過一段開始於2006年春天的奇妙之旅....
希望 iPhone可以貴啲,唔好cheap都啲學生哥又帶,阿叔又帶,串晒耳啲旺角死靚仔又帶,話自己好潮但又腹無墨水的年輕人又帶,不竟買得iPhone就係想同呢啲人有着一些分別吧!
9:23 上午
2 則留言:
其實我覺得如果出得起多錢,不如買pda mp3愉都有齊既電話。實際上apple既野太overrated,同時我個人認為pda phone仲型... 果d qvga windows theme正到爆。可惜我未有錢換,暫時都仲係用部o2...
Miss u^^! it is the first time i see you type in chinese...haha...now i sure u understand my blog la..^^
By the way, in fact since Hong Kong not common on smartphone, i have been a pioneer. This is my smartphone at 2003.
I have regarded that it can realize my dreams, but soon just like many love story, it fail......reason? As i am a IT guy(yes i am a IT professional haha), i want to do many things on the OS that i familiar ..... so i put movie/mp3 player... game emulator .... ebook reader .... hong kong map...into it.....finally it become easy out of battery or ... sometimes when i just talking phone call, it hang suddenly.....and also the mp3 storage is not big enough for me...since it is not cheap to has a memory card of 8GB........
But definitely the world become more advance is due to different people like different things, so the market can offer people with different concern.....then the point still be hardwork to get money..HAHA....(sorry it really so naive Hong Kong guy thinking).